Journalists in State of Emergency – 58
Two media outlets shut down while P24 updates the number of imprisoned journalists as 163

Two socialist leaning media outlets were shut down under a new Cabinet decree issued on April 29.
The İpekyolu newspaper based in Van province and the Yürüyüş magazine were shut down under State of Emergency Decree no: 689. Eighteen foundations, 14 associations and 13 health centers were shut down under the same decree, while dozens of academics and bureaucrats were expelled from various public agencies.
The decree also banned Turkey’s reality dating shows, which had been the staple of Turkish day-time TV since the early 2000’s.
Court cases against journalists
The second hearing of a trial in which 29 people, mostly journalists, face up to 15 years in jail on charges of “terrorist group membership” was held on April 27, Thursday at Istanbul’s Çağlayan Courthouse.
All three judges of the Istanbul 25th High Criminal Court and the prosecutor of the case were suspended after the court decided to release 21 of the 26 suspects under detention at the end of the first hearing held on March 27-31. All of the 21 suspects were rearrested before they left the prison compound late at night on March 31, as 12 suspects whose release was sought by the prosecutor were arrested as part of a new investigation – this time on coup charges – and eight others were detained upon a successful appeal from the prosecutor against their release.
Only witnesses and a very small number of journalists were allowed into the courtroom, while families, other members of the media and observers were not let in.
The new judges of the case decided at the end of Thursday’s hearing that all of the suspects who are under detention will remain so. The court also agreed to request a medical examination of detained suspect Davut Aydın, who suffers from scoliosis, to decide whether he should be released on health grounds.
The next hearing of the case will be held on July 6.
Suspects in the case include former columnists and journalists of several media outlets such as shuttered Zaman, Bugün and Meydan newspapers, Habertürk TV and Rota Haber website. The diverse group includes journalist and columnist Murat Aksoy, ex-singer and columnist for Meydan Atilla Taş, Türk Solu journal columnist Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu and former Zaman court reporter Hanım Büşra Erdal.
P24 updates list of imprisoned journalists
With the addition of more people, mostly former employees of the state-owned Turkish Radio and Television Network (TRT) — whose status was previously unknown to P24, the full number of journalists in prison has risen to 163.
The names of those recently added are Abdulvahap İş (Freelance journalist), Ali Ahmet Böken (TRT News coordinator), Ali Yüce (TRT Radio broadcasts chief), Beytullah Özdemir (Zaman Düzce bureau chief), Erol Yüksel (TRT News Department vice president), Fatma Ölmez (Radyo Ses employees) Hamza Günerigök (TRT anchor), Murat Dağdeviren (Demokrat Gebze owner), Nizamettin İzgi (Batman Newspaper’s owner) and Özcan Keser (TRT reporter). The full list of journalists in prison can be viewed here.
DİHA journalist appears before court
Sebahattin Koyuncu, a reporter for the shuttered Dicle News Agency (DİHA) attended the first session of his trial being heard by the Şırnak High Criminal Court via video-confeerncing. The trial was adjourned until Oct. 3. Earlier, Koyuncu spent four months under arrest. He is accused of “membership in an armed terrorist organization.”
Zaman indictment accepted
On April 26, the 25th High Criminal Court accepted an indictment against 30 people, including former columnists and executives of Zaman newspaper that was closed down by an emergency decree in last July.
According to a court document dated April 24 and reviewed by P24, 21 of the 30 suspects who are currently held in pre-trial detention will remain behind bars. They include former well-known columnists of Zaman such as Şahin Alpay, Mümtazer Türköne and Ahmet Turan Alkan. The court also said the first hearing of the trial will be held on September 18-19 at a courthouse within the Silivri prison compund.
The indictment, prepared by prosecutor İsmet Bozkurt, seeks three aggravated life sentences on charges stemming from the failed coup attempt of July 15, 2016 and an additional prison term of 15 years for “terrorist group membership” for each suspect. editor released
Ali Ergin Demirhan, an editor of the news website who was detained following an early morning police raid of the website’s headquarters on April 20, was released on April 25.
Demirhan was released together with eight other people after their statements were taken by police officials and without appearing before a prosecutor. Demirhan was detained for “inciting the public to hatred and enmity by attempting to presenting the result of April 16 referendum as illegitimate.”
Italian journalist deported
On April 24, authorities confirmed that Italian journalist Gabriele Del Grande, who had been detained in the southern province of Hatay on April 9, had been deported.
“I spoke to him just now and he’s on his way back to Italy. I had the great joy of telling his family. We are waiting for him,” Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano said.
Del Grande, who was being held in a repatriation center in the western province of Muğla, began a hunger strike on April 18 complaining he had no access to a lawyer and had been “interrogated” on the content of his research.
Documentary director arrested
Kazım Kızıl, a documentary director and a Kamera Sokak reporter, was placed in pre-trial detention on April 22, after he was arrested along with 20 other people during a demonstration protesting alleged irregularities in the April 16 referendum in the western province of İzmir. Kızıl was detained for “insulting the president.” Another journalist arrested along with Kızıl, Anıl Deveci, was released on judicial control.
Journalists currently under arrest awaiting trial or serving a conviction
1 | Abdulkadir Turay, DİHA reporter |
2 | Abdullah Kaya, DİHA |
3 | Abdullah Kılıç, Habertürk |
4 | Abdullah Özyurt, Zaman reporter |
5 | Abdulvahap İş (Freelance journalist) |
6 | Abdürrahim Ersöz, Antalya |
7 | Ahmet Altan |
8 | Ahmet Memiş, Gazeteci, Haberdar news website |
9 | Ahmet Metin Sekizkardeş, Zaman journalist |
10 | Ahmet Şık, Cumhuriyet reporter (Arrested in January 2017) |
11 | Ahmet Turan Alkan, Zaman |
12 | Ahmet Yavaş, TRT (Erzurum) |
13 | Akın Atalay, Pres. of Cumhuriyet Foundation Executive Board (arrested on Nov. 12, 2016) |
14 | Alaaddin Kaya, Zaman former copyrights owner |
15 | Alaattin Güner, Cihan media director |
16 | Ali Ahmet Böken, TRT News coordinator |
17 | Ali Aşikar – Azadiya Welat |
18 | Ali Babür Boysal, Zaman page designer |
19 | Ali Bulaç, Eski Zaman columnist |
20 | Ali Konar, Azadiya Welat bureau chief |
21 | Ali Ünal, Zaman columnist |
22 | Ali Yüce, TRT Radio broadcasts chief |
23 | Arafat Dayan, Demokratik Ulus |
24 | Aslı Ceren |
25 | Atilla Taş, Meydan columnist |
26 | Ayhan Demir, Çaldıran News Agency |
27 | Ayşe Nazlı Ilıcak |
28 | Ayşenur Parıldak, Zaman, Haberdar |
29 | Aytekin Gezici, journalist/writer |
30 | Aziz İstegün, Diyarbakır Zaman representative |
31 | Bayram Kaya, Zaman reporter |
32 | Beytullah Özdemir, Zaman Düzce bureau chief |
33 | Bülent Utku, Cumhuriyet Foundation board member |
34 | Bünyamin Köseli, Aksiyon magazine reporter |
35 | Cebrail Parıltı, Anadolu Ajansı (AA) Derik reporter |
36 | Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu, Journalists and Writers’ Foundation |
37 | Ceren Taşkın, Hatay'ın Sesi |
38 | Cihan Acar, Bugün reporter |
39 | Cihat Ünal, Antalya Zaman reporter |
40 | Cuma Kaya, Zaman |
41 | Cuma Ulus, Millet newspaper’s publications coordinator |
42 | Deniz Yücel, Die Welt |
43 | Eda Şanlı Akıllı, Antalya owner, writer for Bizim Antalya |
44 | Emin Demir, Freelancer |
45 | Emre Soncan, Zaman defense reporter |
46 | Ercan Gün, Fox TV |
47 | Erdal Süsem, Eylül magazine editor |
48 | Erdal Şen, former Meydan managing editor |
49 | Erol Yüksel (TRT News Department vice president)) |
50 | Erol Zavar, Odak magazine, owner and newsroom director |
51 | Fahrettin Kılıç, Özgür Toplum |
52 | Faruk Akkan, Cihan news agency |
53 | Fatma Ölmez (Radyo Ses employees) |
54 | Ferhat Çiftçi, Azadiya Welat Gaziantep bureau chief |
55 | Fevzi Yazıcı |
56 | Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu, Türksolu columnist |
57 | Gurbet Çakar, Hevi women’s magazine |
58 | Gültekin Avcı |
59 | Güray Tekin Öz, columnist |
60 | Habip Güler, Zaman reporter |
61 | Hakan Ergün, Azadiya Welat and Özgür Gündem distributor |
62 | Hakan Karasinir, columnist |
63 | Hakan Taşdelen |
64 | Halil İbrahim Mert, TRT (Erzurum) |
65 | Hamit Dilbahar, Azadiya Welat columnist |
66 | Hanım Büşra Erdal, Zaman reporter and columnist |
67 | Hasan Duman, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi distributor |
68 | Haşim Söylemez, Aksiyon columnist |
69 | Hatice Duman, Atılım newspaper’s owner and managing editor |
70 | Hayati Yıldız, Azadiya Welat |
71 | Hidayet Karaca, Samanyolu Media Group President |
72 | Hülya Karakaya, Özgür Halk Managing Editor |
73 | Hüseyin Aydın, Cihan reporter |
74 | Hüseyin Turan, Zaman columnist |
75 | İbrahim Balta, Zaman business editor |
76 | İbrahim Kareyeğen, responsible editor for Zaman |
77 | İdris Sayılgan, DİHA |
78 | İlker İlkan, Azadiya Welat |
79 | İnan Kızılkaya, Özgür Gündem Newsroom Editor |
80 | İsa Siyi, Haberdar |
81 | İsmail Avcı, Zaman |
82 | İsmail Efe, local press advisor in İzmir |
83 | Kadri Gürsel, Editorial Advisor |
84 | Kamuran Sunbat, DİHA Çukurova reporter (formerly) |
85 | Kazım Kızıl, Kamera Sokak |
86 | Kemal Sancılı, Özgür Gündem copyrights holder |
87 | Kenan Baş, Antalya Zaman reporter |
88 | Kenan Karavil, Radyo Dünya editor-in-chief |
89 | Lokman Erdoğan, Çorum Manşet, owner |
90 | Mahir Kanaat, BirGün, head of accountingn |
91 | Mazlum Dolan,DİHA reporter |
92 | Mehmet Altan |
93 | Mehmet Baransu, Taraf columnist/reporter |
94 | Mehmet Dener, Şanlı editor-in-chief |
95 | Mehmet Güleş, DİHA |
96 | Mehmet Kuru, Zaman Eskişehir reporter |
97 | Mehmet Özdemir, Zaman columnist |
98 | Mikail Barut, Özgür Halk former editor |
99 | Miktat Algül, Mezitli FM General Publications Coordinator |
100 | Mizgin Çay – Radyo Karacadağ |
101 | Muhammet Taşçılar, Şanlı editor-in-chief |
102 | Murat Aksoy,former Yeni Şafak columnist |
103 | Murat Avcıoğlu, Zaman |
104 | Murat Dağdeviren (Demokrat Gebze owner) |
105 | Murat Öztürk, Çorum Manşet editor |
106 | Murat Sabuncu, Editor-in- Chief |
107 | Musa Kart, Cartoonist |
108 | Mustafa Erkan Acar, Bugün news editor, |
109 | Mustafa Gök, Ankara bureau chief for Ekmek ve Adalet magazine |
110 | Mustafa Kemal Güngör, Cumhuriyet Foundation board member |
111 | Mustafa Ünal, Zaman |
112 | Mutlu Çölgeçen, Millet, newsroom coordinator |
113 | Mümtazer Türköne, Zaman columnist |
114 | Nedim Türfent,DİHA |
115 | Nizamettin İzgi (Batman Newspaper’s owner) |
116 | Nur Ener, Yeni Asya |
117 | Nuri Durna, TRT |
118 | Nuri Yeşil, Azadiya Welat Dersim bureau chief |
119 | Nurullah Kaya, G.antep Zaman representative |
120 | Oğuz Usluer, Habertürk former broadcasts coordinator |
121 | Olgun Matur, Antalya local journalist |
122 | Osman Yakut, Zaman Antalya |
123 | Ömer Çelik, DİHA news manager |
124 | Ömer Oruç, Cihan newspaper |
125 | Ömer Özdemir, Antalya eski Zaman muhabiri |
126 | Önder Çelik, Cumhuriyet Foundation board member |
127 | Özcan Keser (TRT reporter) |
128 | Özgür Amed (Ethem Çağır), Özgür Gündem writer |
129 | Özkan Mayda, Antalya reporter with Zaman |
130 | Rabia Özkaya, Özgür Halk |
131 | Ramazan Alkan, Yeni Akit reporter |
132 | Resul Cengiz, Denizli reporter with Zaman |
133 | Sadık Demir – Radyo Karacadağ |
134 | Salih Erbekler – Radyo Karacadağ |
135 | Sami Tunca, Mücadele Birliği magazine Managing Editor |
136 | Selman Keleş, DİHA |
137 | Serkan Aydemir, Bitlis Aktüel reporter |
138 | Seyid Kılıç, TRT News |
139 | Seyithan Akyüz, Azadiya Welat Adana bureau chief |
140 | Şahabettin Demir, DİHA reporter |
141 | Şahin Alpay, Zaman columnist |
142 | Şeref Yılmaz, Irmak TV |
143 | Şerife Oruç, DİHA reporter |
144 | Şirin Çoban, Azadiya Welat |
145 | Tahsin Kürklü, Zaman – head of Logistics Department |
146 | Togay Okay, Özgür Gelecek |
147 | Tunca Öğreten, former Diken editor |
148 | Tuncer Çetinkaya, Zaman Antalya |
149 | Turhan Günay, Chief Editor of Cumhuriyet supplement |
150 | Ufuk Şanlı, former Vatan columnist |
151 | Ünal Tanık, Rota Haber editor-in-chief |
152 | Vahit Yazgan, İzmir Zaman bureau chief |
153 | Vedat Beki, Sözcü 18 |
154 | Vedat Demir, former Yarına Bakış writer |
155 | Yakup Çetin, Zaman reporter |
156 | Yakup Şimşek, Zaman, marketing director |
157 | Yalçın Güler, TRT (Erzurum) |
158 | Yener Dönmez, Habervaktim news website |
159 | Yetkin Yıldız, Aktif Haber website editor |
160 | Yılmaz Kahraman, Özgür Halk editor |
161 | Zafer Özsoy |
162 | Ziya Ataman, DİHA reporter |
163 | Hamza Günerigök, TRT |
Sevan Nişanyan Still in prison (Not included in total count due to the nature of the charges against him).
List of media outlets shut down under State of Emergency decrees
TV Stations: Barış TV, Bugün TV, Can Erzincan TV, Dünya TV, Hira TV, Irmak TV, Kanal 124, Kanaltürk, MC TV, Mehtap TV, Merkür TV, Samanyolu Haber, Samanyolu TV, SRT TV, Tuna Shopping TV, Yumurcak TV, İMC TV, Hayat TV, Özgür Gün TV, Van TV, Van Genç TV, TV 10, Jiyan TV, Azadi TV, Denge TV, Mezopotamya TV , Birlik Medya TV, Yol Tv.
News Agencies: Cihan Haber Ajansı, Muhabir Haber Ajansı, SEM Haber Ajansı, JIN, DİHA
Newspapers: Adana Haber, Adana Medya, Akdeniz Türk, Şuhut’un Sesi, Kurtuluş, Lider, İscehisar, Durum, Türkeli, Antalya, Yerel Bakış, Nazar, Batman, Batman Postası, Batman Doğuş, Bingöl Olay, İrade, İskenderun Olay, Ekonomi, Ege’de Son Söz, Demokrat Gebze, Kocaeli Manşet, Bizim Kocaeli, Haber Kütahya, Gediz, Zafer, Hisar, Turgutlu Havadis, Milas Feza, Türkiye’de Yeni Yıldız, Hakikat, Urfa Haber Ajansı, Ajans 11, Yeni Emek, Banaz Postası, Son Nokta, Merkür Haber, Millet, Bugün, Meydan, Özgür Düşünce, Taraf, Yarına Bakış, Yeni Hayat, Zaman, Today’s Zaman, Özgür Gündem, Azadiya Welat, Batman Çağdaş, CizrePostası, Güney Express,İdil Haber,Kızıltepe’nin Sesi, Prestij Haber Gazetesi, Urfanatik Gazetesi, Yüksekova Haber.Express Gazetesi (Adana), Türkiye Manşet (Çorum), Dağyeli Gazetesi (Hatay), Akis Gazetesi (Kütahya), İpekyolu Gazetesi (Ordu), Son Dakika Gazetesi (İzmir), Yedigün Gazetesi (Ankara), Haberexen Dergisi(Samsun), Van İpekyolu .
Magazines: Akademik Araştırmalar, Aksiyon, Asya Pasifik, Bisiklet Çocuk, Diyalog, Avrasya, Ekolife, Ekoloji, Fountain, Gonca, Gül Yaprağı, Nokta, Sızıntı, Yağmur, Yeni Ümit, Zirve, Evrensel Kültür Dergisi, Özgürlük Dünyası, Tiroj, Yürüyüş.
Radio stations: Aksaray Mavi, Aktüel, Berfin, Burç, Cihan, Dünya, Esra, Haber Radyo Ege, Herkül, Jest, Kanaltürk, Radyo 59, Radyo Aile Rehberi, Radyo Bamteli, Radyo Cihan, Radyo Fıkıh, Radyo Küre, Radyo Mehtap, Radyo Nur, Radyo Şemşik, Samanyolu Haber, Umut, Yağmur, Rengin Radyo, Özgür Radyo, Ses Radyo, Radyo Karacadağ, Özgür Güneş, Patnos FM, Dünya Radyo, Batman FM.
Publishing houses: Altınburç, Burak Basın Yayın Dağıtım, Define, Dolunay Eğitim Yayın Dağıtım, Giresun Basın Yayın Dağıtım, Gonca, Gülyurdu, GYV, Işık Akademi, Işık Özel Eğitim, İklim Basın Yayın Pazarlama, Kaydırak, Kaynak, Kervan Basın Yayıncılık, Kuşak, Muştu, Nil, Rehber, Sürat Basım Yayın Reklamcılık Eğitim Araçları, Sütun, Şahdamar, Ufuk Basın Yayın Haber Ajans Pazarlama, Ufuk, Waşanxaneya Nil, Yay Basın Dağıtım, Yeni Akademi, Yitik Hazine, Zambak Basın Yayın Eğitim Turizm.
Outlets allowed to resume broadcasts after being shut down under SoE: Zarok TV (must comply with new requirement of 40 percent of broadcasts in Turkish), Yön Radyo.
* Glossary of legal terms used in this text
Detain / Place in custody: To hold in police custody for police interrogation first, and later for testimony to a prosecutor. Might lead to a court appearance depending on the action taken by the prosecutor.
Arrest: To put into prison indefinitely – by court order – pending trial.
Released on probation: Released with an international flight ban issued. Usually entails checking in regularly with a designated police station.
These lists have been compiled by P24 editors from open news sources and will be updated regularly. Journalists who want to report developments about themselves or their colleagues can contact us at