Journalists in State of Emergency — 93
Columnist and publications coordinator Kadri Gürsel released in Cumhuriyet trial

Journalist Kadri Gürsel was released in the third hearing of the Cumhuriyet trial on September 25, heard by the Istanbul 27th High Criminal Court.
The court ruled to keep Editor-in-Chief Murat Sabuncu, executive and lawyer Akın Atalay, accountant Emre İper and reporter Ahmet Şık in pre-trial detention. A sixth defendant, Ahmet Kemal Aydoğdu who is not a Cumhuriyet employee, also remained in prison.
The trial was adjourned until Oct. 31.
Witnesses Fatih Aytuğ, Rıza Zelyut and Alev Coşkun were heard in the third trial. Another witness who was exp, Mehmet Faraç, a former Cumhuriyet editor, did not attend the trial.
Aytuğ’s testimony was related to messages allegedly tweeted by Ahmet Kemal Aydoğdu using the account @jeansbiri.
Alev Coşkun, a former Cumhuriyet board member, in his testimony described the trial he had initiated against the new board members of Cumhuriyet.
Coşkun said he was against the arrests, adding that people with whom who’d worked for 22 years cannot be tried as “terrorists.”
“I’ve known these people for 22 years, I know their past. These people can’t be terrorists, they cannot be FETÖ supporters,” he said referring to the acronym used by Turkish authorities to refer to the group which allegedly orchestrated last year’s coup attempt.
“What on earth is Turhan Günay doing here?” Coşkun said at some point in his testimony. Günay, who was released earlier in the trial, is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper’s literary supplement. “I am here thanks to you,” Turhan Günay replied
During the cross-examination by lawyers, Coşkun sounded less apologetic, saying the former executives were right in litigating against the newspaper. “This is Atatürk’s newspaper. This newspaper has its fundamental principles such as loyalty to Atatürk and Cumhuriyet. This is not a newspaper where you can bring a terror group to the head of the table.”
Rıza Zelyut, a columnist who has never worked for Cumhuriyet, said in his testimony that “some circles have used the foundation to seize the Cumhuriyet newspaper.”
“Who did this? Whoever hired Nuray Mert, Can Dündar and Aydın Engin did this,” Zelyut said; naming journalists and columnists who are known for their liberal views.
“I was hired in 1992 by İlhan Selçuk,” Aydın Engin replied, referring to Cumhuriyet’s widely respected chief columnist for two decades who passed away in 2010.
Zelyut said there were too many stories about the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP) and its leader Selahattin Demirtaş on the newspaper’s website.
The prosecutor then demanded that all of the defendants remain in pre-trial detention.
Gürsel, who spoke after the prosecutor expressed his demands, requested his release saying none of the rationales provided by the prosecution for the continued detention apply to him.
Ahmet Şık, Murat Sabuncu and Emre İper said they had no demands from the court.
In its interim ruling, the court released Gürsel and also filed a criminal complaint against the pro-government Akşam and Star newspapers, which both tweeted prematurely — prior to the court’s announcement of the ruling — that all six defendants would remain in prison.
The number of journalists in prison remained as 170, as P24 updated its list to include photo-journalist Ömer Sezgin, whose arrest in May had not previously been recorded. The full list of imprisoned journalists can be found here.
Turkish journalist detained in Malaysia
Journalist Mustafa Akyol was detained on Sept. 25 on charges of “conducting religious studies in violation of Sharia laws”, in Malaysia.
The journalist was going to make a presentation on the mutual aspects of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
He was released after 18 hours in custody. The journalist reportedly left the country and the forum where he was scheduled to speak was canceled.
RTÜK introduces sanctions against Iraqi Kurdish stations
The Supreme Board of Radio and Television (RTÜK) issued an order for television networks based in the Iraqi Kurdistan, which use the Turksat satellite platform, to be taken off air.
RTÜK’s decision came when the Kurdistan Regional Government held a referendum for independence of the region. Rudaw TV, Kurdistan24 TV and Waar Tv’ were taken off the Turksat satellite platform.
List of journalists in prison
1 Abdulkadir Turay, DİHA reporter
2 Abdullah Kılıç, Habertürk
3 Abdullah Özyurt, Zaman reporter
4 Abdulvahap İş (Freelance journalist)
5 Abdürrahim Ersöz, Antalya
6 Ahmet Altan
7 Ahmet Feyzullah Özyurt
8 Ahmet Memiş, Gazeteci, Haberdar news website
9 Ahmet Metin Sekizkardeş, Zaman journalist
10 Ahmet Şık, Cumhuriyet reporter
11 Ahmet Turan Alkan, Zaman
12 Ahmet Yavaş, TRT (Erzurum)
13 Akın Atalay, Pres. of Cumhuriyet Foundation Executive Board
14 Alaattin Güner, Cihan media director
15 Ali Ahmet Böken, TRT News coordinator
16 Ali Aşikar – Azadiya Welat
17 Ali Babür Boysal, Zaman page designer
18 Ali Bulaç, Eski Zaman columnist
19 Ali Konar, Azadiya Welat bureau chief
20 Ali Ünal, Zaman columnist
21 Ali Yüce, TRT Radio broadcasts chief
22 Arafat Dayan, Demokratik Ulus
23 Aslı Ceren Aslan, Özgür Gelecek
24 Atilla Taş, Meydan columnist
25 Ayhan Demir, Çaldıran News Agency
26 Ayşe Nazlı Ilıcak
27 Ayşenur Parıldak, Zaman, Haberdar
28 Aytekin Gezici, journalist/writer
29 Aziz İstegün, Diyarbakır Zaman representative
30 Bayram Kaya, Zaman reporter
31 Beytullah Özdemir, Zaman Düzce bureau chief
32 Burak Ekici, Birgün
33 Burçin Dokgöz, former Zaman and Çorum reporter
34 Cebrail Parıltı, Anadolu Ajansı (AA) Derik reporter
35 Cemal Azmi Kalyoncu, Journalists and Writers’ Foundation
36 Ceren Taşkın, Hatay'ın Sesi
37 Cuma Kaya, Zaman
38 Cuma Ulus, Millet newspaper’s publications coordinator
39 Cüneyt Seza Özkan, Samanyolu TV
40 Çağdaş Erdoğan, Photojournalist
41 Deniz Yücel, Die Welt
42 Emin Demir, Freelancer
43 Emre Soncan, Zaman defense reporter
44 Ercan Gün, Fox TV
45 Erdal Süsem, Eylül magazine editor
46 Erdal Şen, former Meydan managing editor
47 Erdoğan Alayamut, Dihaber reporter
48 Erol Yüksel (TRT News Department vice president))
49 Erol Zavar, Odak magazine, owner and newsroom director
50 Fahrettin Kılıç, Özgür Toplum
51 Faruk Akkan, Cihan news agency
52 Ferhat Çiftçi, Azadiya Welat Gaziantep bureau chief
53 Fevzi Yazıcı
54 Gökçe Fırat Çulhaoğlu, Türksolu columnist
55 Gökmen Ulu, Sözcü
56 Gurbet Çakar, Hevi women’s magazine
57 Gültekin Avcı
58 Habip Güler, Zaman reporter
59 Hakan Aksel, TRT producer-director
60 Hakan Ergün, Azadiya Welat and Özgür Gündem distributor
61 Hakan Taşdelen
62 Halil İbrahim Mert, TRT (Erzurum)
63 Hamit Dilbahar, Azadiya Welat columnist
64 Hamza Günerigök, TRT
65 Hanım Büşra Erdal, Zaman reporter and columnist
66 Hasan Duman, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi distributor
67 Hatice Duman, Atılım newspaper’s owner and managing editor
68 Hayati Yıldız, Azadiya Welat
69 Hidayet Karaca, Samanyolu Media Group President
70 Hülya Karakaya, Özgür Halk Managing Editor
71 Hüseyin Aydın, Cihan reporter
72 Hüseyin Turan, Zaman columnist
73 İbrahim Balta, Zaman business editor
74 İbrahim Kareyeğen, responsible editor for Zaman
75 İdris Okur, Cihan New Agency Çorum reporter
76 İdris Sayılgan, DİHA
77 İlker İlkan, Azadiya Welat
78 İnan Kızılkaya, Özgür Gündem Newsroom Editor
79 İsmail Avcı, Zaman
80 İsmail Efe, local press advisor in İzmir
81 Kamuran Sunbat, DİHA Çukurova reporter (formerly)
82 Kemal Özer, Evrensel
83 Kemal Sancılı, Özgür Gündem copyrights holder
84 Kenan Karavil, Radyo Dünya editor-in-chief
85 Lokman Erdoğan, Çorum Manşet, owner
86 Mahir Kanaat, BirGün, head of accountingn
87 Mehmet Ali Ay
88 Mehmet Altan
89 Mehmet Baransu, Taraf columnist/reporter
90 Mehmet Çakmakçı, reporter
91 Mehmet Dener, Şanlı editor-in-chief
92 Mehmet Güleş, DİHA
93 Mehmet Kuru, Zaman Eskişehir reporter
94 Mehmet Özdemir, Zaman columnist
95 Mehmet Sıddık Damar
96 Meltem Oktay, DİHA reporter
97 Meşale Tolu, ETHA translater
98 Mikail Barut, Özgür Halk former editor
99 Miktat Algül, Mezitli FM General Publications Coordinator
100 Mizgin Çay – Radyo Karacadağ
101 Muhammet Taşçılar, Şanlı editor-in-chief
102 Muhsin Pilgir, Zaman and Cihan news agency
103 Murat Aksoy,former Yeni Şafak columnist
104 Murat Avcıoğlu, Zaman
105 Murat Çapan,
106 Murat Çelikkan (Özgür Gündem solidarity trial)
107 Murat Dağdeviren (Demokrat Gebze owner)
108 Murat Sabuncu, Editor-in- Chief
109 Mustafa Erkan Acar, Bugün news editor,
110 Mustafa Gök, Ankara bureau chief for Ekmek ve Adalet magazine
111 Mustafa Ünal, Zaman
112 Mutlu Çölgeçen, Millet, newsroom coordinator
113 Mutlu Özay, Cihan reporter
114 Mümtazer Türköne, Zaman columnist
115 Nadir Yücel, Çorum Yıldız (local) Editor-in-Chief
116 Nedim Türfent,DİHA
117 Nizamettin İzgi (Batman Newspaper’s owner)
118 Nur Ener, Yeni Asya
119 Nuri Durna, TRT
120 Nuri Yeşil, Azadiya Welat Dersim bureau chief
121 Nurullah Kaya, G.antep Zaman representative
122 Oğuz Usluer, Habertürk former broadcasts coordinator
123 Osman Yakut, Zaman Antalya
124 Ömer Çelik, DİHA news manager
125 Ömer Faruk Aydemir, İHA editor
126 Ömer Oruç, Cihan newspaper
127 Ömer Özdemir, Antalya eski Zaman muhabiri
128 Ömer Sezgin, freelance photographer
129 Özcan Keser (TRT reporter)
130 Özkan Erdoğan, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi
131 Rabia Özkaya, Özgür Halk
132 Ramazan Alkan, Yeni Akit reporter
133 Resul Cengiz, Denizli reporter with Zaman
134 Sadık Demir – Radyo Karacadağ
135 Sait Gürka Tuzlu, Cihan reporter
136 Salih Erbekler – Radyo Karacadağ
137 Sami Tunca, Mücadele Birliği magazine Managing Editor
138 Selman Keleş, DİHA
139 Semiha Mete, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi reporter and distributor
140 Serhat Şeftali, Zaman regional bureau chief for the Med region
141 Serkan Aydemir, Bitlis Aktüel reporter
142 Serkan Erdoğan, Özgürlükçü Demokrasi
143 Seyid Kılıç, TRT News
144 Seyithan Akyüz, Azadiya Welat Adana bureau chief
145 Sezgin Kartal, Sosyalist Dayanımşa magazine
146 Şahabettin Demir, DİHA reporter
147 Şahin Alpay, Zaman columnist
148 Şeref Yılmaz, Irmak TV
149 Şerife Oruç, DİHA reporter
150 Şirin Çoban, Azadiya Welat
151 Tahsin Kürklü, Zaman – head of Logistics Department
152 Togay Okay, Özgür Gelecek
153 Tunca Öğreten, former Diken editor
154 Tuncer Çetinkaya, Zaman Antalya
155 Ufuk Şanlı, former Vatan columnist
156 Ulaş Sezgin, ETHA reporter
157 Ünal Tanık, Rota Haber editor-in-chief
158 Vahit Yazgan, İzmir Zaman bureau chief
159 Vedat Beki, Sözcü 18
160 Vedat Demir, former Yarına Bakış writer
161 Yakup Çetin, Zaman reporter
162 Yakup Şimşek, Zaman, marketing director
163 Yalçın Güler, TRT (Erzurum)
164 Yasir Kaya, Fenerbahçe TV, formerly
165 Yener Dönmez, Habervaktim news website
166 Yetkin Yıldız, Aktif Haber website editor
167 Yılmaz Kahraman, Özgür Halk editor
168 Zafer Özsoy
169 Zehra Doğan, Jinha
170 Ziya Ataman, DİHA reporter
Click here to view the list in a spreadsheet file; where figures on shuttered media and civil society associations are also available on separate tabs.